31st Annual Virtual Ice Fishing Extravaganza FishDonkey Tip and Photo Rules – Brainerd Jaycees Ice Fishing Extravaganza

31st Annual Virtual Ice Fishing Extravaganza FishDonkey Tip and Photo Rules

  • All photos must be taken through the FishDonkey app and measurements must be on a valid measuring board.
  • Fish should be recorded immediately and measurements noted by length.
  • All submissions must include at least two photographs: 1) A pic of you holding the fish 2) A pic of the fish on the measuring board.

Close the fish’s mouth. The nose should touch the bump of the measuring board (the belly is facing you). The measurement photo needs to include the entire fish on the board. If the fishtail is touching the graduation line on the board then that is the exact measurement. If the tail crosses a graduation line, round up ¼”.

  • All participants must have their fish submitted before the end of the tournament.