Giving Back

Giving Back

All of the proceeds from the Brainerd Jaycees Ice Fishing Extravaganza are donated to area charities. If you are a local charitable organization wishing to be considered for a donation, please download the grant application, fill it out completely, and mail it to the address below by January 31.

Brainerd Jaycees
PO Box 523
Brainerd MN, 56401

The Primary Beneficiary: Confidence Learning Center

Located on Sylvan Lake in the Brainerd Lakes Area, Confidence Learning Center, also known as Camp Confidence, is a year around outdoor center for persons of all ages with developmental disabilities.

The mission of Confidence Learning Center is to offer an environment where everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors. Accessible accommodations and activities are offered year around with a professional staff to facilitate each camper’s experience. The staff is able to provide and adapt outdoor education and recreational activities that may not be available or financially feasible in their home environment.

The programs at Confidence Learning Center are aimed at promoting self-confidence and self-esteem through individualized success. At Confidence Learning Center each camper is encouraged to succeed at their own level, explore their abilities, establish new leisure skills and learn about the environment. Activities such as boating and fishing, skiing, archery, snow shoeing and cross-country skiing are adapted to meet both the physical and cognitive needs of each camper. Overcoming fears are addressed through activities like climbing a 60 foot tree or holding a live snake which teaches the campers to use knowledge and trust to make their own decisions.

As a non-profit organization which receives no federal or state tax dollars, Confidence Learning Center relies on charitable support such as the Brainerd Jaycees $150,000 Ice Fishing Extravaganza to reach out and serve nearly 12,000 camper days each year. Only a nominal fee is passed onto visiting families and groups thanks to the support of many.

Over the past 26 years, the Extravaganza proceeds have been used to provide this unique experience to nearly 60,000 persons with disabilities.

“On behalf of our campers, I want to thank the Jaycees, anglers, and sponsors for their efforts”, says Confidence Learning Center’s Jeff Olson. “The fun that everyone has on this one day is extended year around through the opportunities made available through your participation.”

Find out how you can get involved today!


You helped raise $98,560 last year! The proceeds from the 2022 event were donated to many area charities. The Brainerd Jaycees would like to thank you for your role in making a huge impact on the Brainerd Lakes Area.

Boy Scout Troop 43
Boy Scout Troop 45
Brainerd Amateur Hockey Assoc
Brainerd American Legion Post 255
Brainerd Area Sertoma Club
Brainerd Army Recruiting Office
Brainerd Cheer
Brainerd FFA
Brainerd Fire Department
Brainerd Gymnastics
Brainerd Junior Jaycees
Brainerd Lakes Area Women of Today
Brainerd Ski Loons Water Ski Show Team
Brainerd Warrior Fishing Team
Brainerd Youth Athletic Association

Central Lakes ATV Club
Central MN Adult & Teen Challenge
Confidence Learning Center
Crosby-Ironton National Honor Society
Crosby-Ironton Trap Team
CWC Dive Team
Fighting Saints
Greater Pequot Lakes Community Foundation
Gull Chain of Lakes Association
Jamie’s Purse
Lakes Area Habitat for Humanity
Lakes Area Skate Park
Lakes Area Youth Soccer Association
Lake Hubert Grange
Mid-Minnesota Women’s Center

Mission Fire Department
MN DNR Fisheries
Nisswa Chamber of Commerce
Nisswa Fire Department
Pequot Lakes Splash Pad
Pillager Area Charter School
Pillager Scout Troop #77
Pine River Backus Family Center
Pohl Children’s Foundation
Precious Years Learning Center
St. Francis of the Lakes Catholic School
Troop 51
Troop 243
Vacationland Figure Skating
Wild & Free Wildlife Rehabilitation Program
Zion Lutheran Church-Active Christian Teens